Mind-blowing things I observed after quitting sugar?

Completely quitting sugar is not at all a childsplay if you are a hardcore lover of sweet dishes, cold drinks, etc. But but but hold on, I am not saying it is difficult. Also, you don’t need to entirely quit it. You will be supported in such a way that your journey of leaving sugar…

Does eating less means longer life ?

How does eating fewer calories mean to increase your life expectancy? Do you know why Japanese people eat their food on small plates? and there is not only one plate on their table but there are several plates because the food that they eat is less in quantity but it is diversified. If you will see their…

3 reasons why not to eat raw eggs?

  With over a dozen different vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, eggs are among the most nutritious foods you can consume. You can obtain all of these nutritional benefits by eating your eggs as a food.But if you are consuming raw eggs then you should immediately stop it because this had many healthy disadvantages you…

Why am I always hungry?

 WELLNESS  The pandemic, political divisiveness, and social injustice have acted as big markers for 2020—but we also may come to know it as the year of snacking. With many people working from home and dealing with stress, it’s no surprise that the nearby refrigerator is repeatedly beckoning throughout the day. To address feelings of hunger, McIntyre…

Top 10 fatty foods you should eat for great health

If you still think that fat is the enemy and that the idea of “healthy fats” is an oxymoron, let us help change your mind. While we’re not suggesting you seek out the fattiest cuts of meat or start eating butter with a spoon, certain types of fat—in moderation—are part of a balanced diet, and…

Do energy drinks really provide us energy ?

  “Feeling low on energy? Grab an energy drink!” You might have come across numerous commercials on TV and online which reveals that an energy drink is all you need to make your day. It gives you an instant boost of energy and helps you to kickstart your day on a healthy note. And this…

Fruits that are containing high sugar and are they healthy?

 You’re given a banana and an apple. Guess: Which one has more sugar? Though each is a perfect healthier option and both happen to pair wonderfully with peanut butter, one is far more sugary than the other. The average-sized apple, while lower in calories overall than an average-sized banana, actually has approximately five grams more sugar….

Why you should be nuts friendly?

 Nuts should be a part of your daily diet. These are loaded with essential nutrients and multiple health benefits. Here are some reasons why you must eat nuts daily. Also know the best nuts you must add to your diet. 1. Keep hunger pangs at bay The gap between the meals makes you consume a…

10 myths about caffeine you should stop believing ?

 It can be hard to enjoy your morning coffee when there are so many myths surrounding what’s in your cup floating around. For instance, apparently coffee makes you poop. (Actually, that one’s true.) Regardless, there are still a ton of tall tales being passed around that negatively impact the way you consume coffee. Drink in these…

10 ways to get rid of cravings for junk food

 Cravings for junk foods can seem to come out of nowhere. One minute you feel satisfied and the next you feel like your whole body is begging for a peanut butter cup or bowl of ice cream. You can either fight junk food cravings or give in to the temptation. It’s perfectly OK to allow yourself a treat every…