Some Everyday Habits That Are Aging You

  These toxic habits may be aging you faster than you think. Here are the things that could be affecting how old you look and feel.                          1. You don’t drink enough water:- Drinking enough water is simply a habit to get into, but…

How excess belly fat is harmful for you?

Belly Fat Can Give You Serious Health Problems, Remove It! Belly fat, unlike fat located anywhere else on your body, should greatly concern you. The reason for concern is its proximity to major organs in your midsection. Located in the abdominal cavity, belly fat is linked to several major health problems.  It’s linked to an…

The Effects of Diabetes on Your Body

In the United States alone, more than 29 million people have diabetes, but physicians suspect there are millions more undiagnosed. With so many people affected by the disease, it’s important to understand it’s not just a sugar problem. Diabetes can become systemic, having serious effects on different parts of your body. Damage to blood vessels occurs…

Know all things about osteoporosis

What Is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a disease you get when you lose bone faster than you make it. “Osteo” means bone, and “porosis” means porous (full of holes). The bone loss of osteoporosis makes your bones weak, brittle, and fracture easily. Symptoms You probably won’t have any symptoms in early-stage osteoporosis. Once your bones get…

Tips to prevent diabetes and high blood sugar level

Diabetes, as we all know, is a metabolic disease that causes our blood sugar levels to rise. This seemingly minor disease can prove to be quite fatal if proper care and restraint are not followed. So, what is the diabetes cure you might ask? Diabetes doesn’t have a cure but you can try to control it if…

How can we prevent every type of cancer ?

 Concerned about cancer prevention? Take charge by making changes such as eating a healthy diet and getting regular screenings. You’ve probably heard conflicting reports about cancer prevention. Sometimes a specific cancer-prevention tip recommended in one study is advised against in another. Often, what’s known about cancer prevention is still evolving. However, it’s well-accepted that your…

Can stress cause weight gain?

` In today’s busy world, it’s hardly surprising that many of us suffer from stress. In fact, a recent survey revealed that 85% experience stress on a regular basis. And more and more of us are becoming overweight or obese. But is there a connection? Could your stress be causing you to gain weight? The simple answer…

Top 10 changes in daily life to prevent lumbar and back pain.

  Want to help prevent back pains? Here are some everyday habits that can help! Back pains are a common condition with many people today. According to research, a number of factors (including poor posture, wrong shoes, mineral deficiencies, etc.) may be to blame for the condition. Making a few changes to your life, and…

5 harmful effects of leading a sedentary lifestyle and how to correct it

 A sedentary lifestyle is a bad habit. You don’t have to be a great athlete or an every day exerciser or runner to break free from a sedentary lifestyle. Here are some of the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle: The Obvious Health Risks. Being sedentary is the opposite of being active. What happens with inactivity?…