What should I do if my weight is not increasing?

If you are an ectomorph(thin-framed body) guy then you always had a hard time gaining weight. There was a time when I used to be that guy. That thing ended up making me shy and underconfident. But, yes some changes in your daily routine will turn the tide from a hard gainer to a nice…

Are you a vegan? Try this simple high-protein recipe.

We all know how difficult it is, to complete your protein requirement as a vegan. You either have to eat so much of everything or consume whey protein. But this will become expensive for students like you and me. I know here the maximum number of people who are reading this are students or working…

4 tips that will pop up your abs.

You have already heard some day or other that getting six-pack abs is not a cakewalk. Yes, it is right, that for getting a good physique as well as well-defined abs you need to be strict in every aspect like diet, training, and lifestyle. If you are crunching hard every day and not seeing results…

Why premature death is increasing day by day?

We all usually hear of someone dying of cardiac arrest, kidney failure, and other chronic diseases. Here, death is not the big issue but premature death is the main concern we should focus on. If a person dies at a tender age, then the majority of us have certain questions like what is the reason…

Mind-blowing things I observed after quitting sugar?

Completely quitting sugar is not at all a childsplay if you are a hardcore lover of sweet dishes, cold drinks, etc. But but but hold on, I am not saying it is difficult. Also, you don’t need to entirely quit it. You will be supported in such a way that your journey of leaving sugar…

How adequate sleep will help you in your weight loss?

When coming to weight loss, diet and workouts are the two things that we mostly talk about, and here is when you commit a mistake. Some other factors should also be taken into consideration when a healthy lifestyle and weight loss is your long-term goal. Unfortunately, an adequate amount of sleep is neglected most of…

Does eating less means longer life ?

How does eating fewer calories mean to increase your life expectancy? Do you know why Japanese people eat their food on small plates? and there is not only one plate on their table but there are several plates because the food that they eat is less in quantity but it is diversified. If you will see their…

Best VR fitness games in 2022

 There are some occasions when we can’t go to the gym but we need to get that type of atmosphere that we were getting in the gym and this is the reason why most people cant continue home workouts because of lack of motivation, guidance, and atmosphere. We all faced and by the way, facing…

Top lazy exercises you can do in bed.

  We all someday or other felt lazy to get out of our bed. Especially in winters when we don’t want to get discharged from our bed. It is more like an excuse for the majority of people for not doing exercise in the early morning. For most people, Sunday is a day it mostly…

How 45 minutes of mild exercise can f**k off the cancer?

Research found that People who are in some sort of physical activity whether it is running ,HIIT , weight training, aerobics, calisthenics ,etc. are less prone to life threatening problem of cancer. You should start working out .In starting you will not be consistent but starting with only 10 minutes will be a great start….